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How we can help

At Headway, we want to help people understand more about brain injury. We provide information, support and services to people with a brain injury, their family, carers and professionals.

A network of Groups & Branches across the UK provide an opportunity to talk to others in a similar situation. 

Members can receive practical help and support in coping with the challenges they are experiencing.

Day Centre

Headway North Cumbria operate a weekly Day Centre which is open to all members to attend every Monday (excluding Bank Holidays) 13:00 – 15:30 at New Waterton Hall.

Find out more

Our Volunteers

Carol Armstrong

Dee Falder

Darren Gallagher

Christina Graham

Megan Hughes-Davies

Andrew Kirkpatrick

Joan McCann

Maureen Murphy

Jennifer Robinson

Julian Simpson

Natalie Simpson

Jean Wight

Judith Wilson